
Dicts with non-string keys

 1"""Dicts with non-string keys"""
 3from typing import Any
 5from turbo_broccoli.context import Context
 6from turbo_broccoli.exceptions import DeserializationError, TypeNotSupported
 9def _json_to_dict_v1(dct: dict, ctx: Context) -> dict:
10    return {d["key"]: d["value"] for d in dct["data"]}
13# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
14def from_json(dct: dict, ctx: Context) -> dict:
15    try:
16        decoders = {
17            1: _json_to_dict_v1,
18        }
19        return decoders[dct["__version__"]](dct, ctx)
20    except KeyError as exc:
21        raise DeserializationError() from exc
24def to_json(obj: Any, ctx: Context) -> dict:
25    """
26    Serializes a dict with non-string keys. The return dict has the following
27    structure
29    ```py
30    {
31        "__type__": "dict",
32        "__version__": 1,
33        "data": [
34            {
35                "key": ...,
36                "value": ...,
37            },
38            ...
39        ]
40    }
41    ```
43    where the keys are values are themselves converted to JSON.
44    """
45    if not (
46        isinstance(obj, dict)
47        and not all(isinstance(k, str) for k in obj.keys())
48    ):
49        raise TypeNotSupported()
50    return {
51        "__type__": "dict",
52        "__version__": 1,
53        "data": [{"key": k, "value": v} for k, v in obj.items()],
54    }
def from_json(dct: dict, ctx: turbo_broccoli.context.Context) -> dict:
15def from_json(dct: dict, ctx: Context) -> dict:
16    try:
17        decoders = {
18            1: _json_to_dict_v1,
19        }
20        return decoders[dct["__version__"]](dct, ctx)
21    except KeyError as exc:
22        raise DeserializationError() from exc
def to_json(obj: Any, ctx: turbo_broccoli.context.Context) -> dict:
25def to_json(obj: Any, ctx: Context) -> dict:
26    """
27    Serializes a dict with non-string keys. The return dict has the following
28    structure
30    ```py
31    {
32        "__type__": "dict",
33        "__version__": 1,
34        "data": [
35            {
36                "key": ...,
37                "value": ...,
38            },
39            ...
40        ]
41    }
42    ```
44    where the keys are values are themselves converted to JSON.
45    """
46    if not (
47        isinstance(obj, dict)
48        and not all(isinstance(k, str) for k in obj.keys())
49    ):
50        raise TypeNotSupported()
51    return {
52        "__type__": "dict",
53        "__version__": 1,
54        "data": [{"key": k, "value": v} for k, v in obj.items()],
55    }

Serializes a dict with non-string keys. The return dict has the following structure

    "__type__": "dict",
    "__version__": 1,
    "data": [
            "key": ...,
            "value": ...,

where the keys are values are themselves converted to JSON.